Hare Krishna Gram project in Aravade |
Aravade is the birth place of H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja and is a holy location for his followers. H.H. Lokanath Swami Maharaja is one of the senior disciples of A.C.Bhaktivendanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, who is the founder of International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Srila Prabhupada had instructed his dear disciple Lokanath Swami to disseminate the Holy Name of Krishna by carrying out padayatras through the villages. Since then, he has tried to fulfill this instruction of his spiritual master to the fullest.With guidance and inspiration of Srila Lokanath Swami, the Hare Krishna festival is celebrated every year for over 25 years. Approximately 10,000 people from surrounding villages to attend this festival. Given that this place has become well-known, ISKCON resolved to establish the Hare Krishna Gram in Aravade. |
Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Lokanath Swami |
Vrndavana, July 30, 1977 From: Tamal Krishna – SL_770730_C1 Bhubaneswar My dear Lokanath Maharaja, Please accept my most humble obeisances at your feet. His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada has received your two letters both dated 25th July, 1977 and thanks you for them. Because His Divine Grace is not keeping good health, He has instructed me to reply you as follows. Srila Prabhupada was very very pleased with your report of your preaching activities. When He heard how strongly you were preaching, He commented, “Our Lokanath Swami is just like Saint Tukaram. The whole of India and specifically your Maharashtra are enthused with Krishna. Now you have to revive their Krishna consciousness. This is Tukaram’s country, but now they are becoming bad politicians. So revive them by the process of the sankirtana movement. I am very glad that you are preaching village to village and will cover all of Maharashtra. You should train the one farmer from your native village so that he can actually become an ISKCON representative there. |
Vision of Hare Krishna Gram project
To Preserve and Spread Vedic Culture
The Hare Krishna Gram Project aims at distributing Krishna’s holy name, rejuvenating of Vedic civilization and making the lives of people more meaningful. The motto, “Simple living high thinking”, which is the fundamental principle of spiritual life is a critical vision of this project.The main objective of Hare Krishna Gram Project is to establish the basic principle of spiritual life “Simple living High Thinking” and thus protect the villagers from degeneration. This is especially important for the youth who are forgetting their Vedic culture and are totally ignorant of how importance village life is for spiritual advancement. This is a unique project through which people from 100 villages, students from more that 350 schools and colleges as well as residents of Sangli city will highly benefit. Please join us in this endeavor. This is a humble request to all!